Narendra Modi struck a tremendous blow when he demonetized all higher denomination notes in one mighty sweep. It was a blow long overdue and the Congress party had for long been stalling it. It now comes to light that way back in 1973 the Wanchoo committee had recommended demonetization as a method to curb black money but Indira Gandhi the then prime minister shelved it. In any case, a spineless prime minister like Manmohan Sinh who came later could not have done it as he was dancing to the tunes of the Nehru family.
Narendra Modi decided to bite the bullet and in a
swift move ushered in demonetization. The nation and in particular the black marketeers and hoarders along with corrupt politicians were the most affected. A doctor is known to me in Central India who was storing money without compunction and lost 6 crores overnight of black money. Much more were affected and the trades of smuggling and human trafficking suffered greatly. This despite all talk and bravado of the opponents of this scheme led by the Congress party.Coming to the trade of young girls, which is a fact in India, demonetization has greatly curtailed it. This trade is based on hard cash and once the hard cash went away, the trade in girls came down.The biggest markets for young girls is in Bihar, Bengal, Jharkhand and Orissa in the east. Girls from
Nepal because of their color are also prized. In the south Andhra, Hyderabad, Bangalore, and Tamilnadu are at the top. Girls from these states were either bought or kidnapped and they ended up in the brothels. Good looking girls were also inducted as dancing grls. The age of the girl has a bearing on the price. Girls 13-16 brought in 2.5 to Rs 3 lakh and the money went down progressively for the higher age girls. This traffic depended on hard cash and many parents received a lot of money for selling their daughters. In the poverty-ridden India, this had become a source of Income.The demonetization saw the big notes b vanish from the arena and as the agents did not have hard cash the trade has also been affected. Delhi police and the Nobel Laureate Kailash Satyarthi has confirmed this. The Nobel laureate also met the prime minister and thanked him for the demonetization and asked him to ensure that black money is not accumulated again as the trade has the propensity to gain momentum again. One will have to wait and see. In the meantime, the reduction in young girls being taken for brothels and dancing is down to a trickle.