Many people have asked me as to which is the best place for a holiday in the UAE. I will pick a deluxe resort nestled high up in the rocky mountains of Abu Dhabi called the Mercure. It's like a nest of golden bird in the clouds and below the vast plains of Al Alain beckons you. This is also the green belt of the UAE and nothing can be better than this. If you seek love or want to mend fences with a loved one or simply freak out with a beloved, even your secretary this is the place. If you
are in the dumps and want to be alone, again this is the place to get your mood back.The Jebel Hafeet mountains are rocky mountains that are in the north of Abu Dhabi. There is an excellent road that leads up and it is 179 km from the capital with a drive time of two hours and six minutes. You can hire a taxi or travel by a luxury bus.
The resort is exclusive and has 5 outlets for catering with a lovely bar. Simply great and outside there is a heated pool and one can take a dip and witness the shimmering lights of Al Alain below. It's simply awesome and as the cold winter wind encircles you it gives a tingling feeling. You would like to hold your girl close to you to exude the warmth from your body and her to you. The barbecue at the pool is the best place to eat at any time
of the day and as Shakespeare writes " Twas the most wonderful sight and feeling of paradise". For after all what is paradise? lovely palaces and lovelier handmaidens and the Jebel Hafeet resort fill that.The resort has a lovely gym and the hairdresser, the massage parlor and the bar. Take your pick and relax and after 10 pm at night in case, you are lucky lovely belly dancer could add to the taste to your Chivas Regal or the first malt like Glenmorangie. There is also lovely Arabic music to go with lots of kebabs and good roasted meats. The bar runs well past midnight, so be slow and don't get sozzled too early. You might miss out on a lot of fun.
After the bar in the middle of the night, you can drive another 1000 ft up the mountain to a small viewpoint. It will be howling cold winds as it is an open place but you can get a burger and hot coffee or tea and sit in the car and make love blossom again. It's almost like nirvana and all credit to the Abu Dhabi government for having created this lovely paradise. I took my girl and it was a second nirvana for me at the Jebel Hafeet Mercure resort.