Every day something new surfaces on the Korean peninsula as the US and the North exchange fiery words and threaten each other. Trump would like nothing better than to go to war with the North and destroy Kim Jong. He made this threat when in his recent speech at the UN, he vowed to "destroy North Korea".He is kept in check by the realization as drummed into his head by his military commanders, that the stakes are too high and could well lead to destruction on an unprecedented scale of his own allies Japan and South Korea.
The second option which is also
realistic is to assassinate the Korean dictator. The CIA has a dubious record in this aspect for 6 decades. Their "feats"include the killing of the Chilean president Salvador Allende and Che Guevara in the jungles of Bolivia. They also targetted the Cuban leader Fidel Castro and as per the own admissions of the US government tried 8 times to kill him but failed. The Cubans claim at least 25 attempts.Now news has emanated that the South Korean Data Center was hacked and plans for the killing of Kim Jong were compromised. The North Koreans government has also claimed that an attempt was made to kill the leader with a nerve and chemical gas in May and the culprit has been arrested. No further details are given, but all this can be in the realm of reality. After all the CIA has a verifiable record in such killings. There is no doubt the US would be happy to get rid of Kim Jong but as we say" if wishes were horses beggars would ride" is true. Donald may have to wait some more time before he can get to his enemy; or maybe not at all. One can just wait and watch.