Huma Abedin And Hillary

Could Huma have lost the election for Hillary

Huma Abedin was a close confidant of Hillary and she has to share the blame for the loss of Hillary

Was Huma Abedin the reason for Hillary’s defeat?

Huma Abedin conjures up a face of a beautiful woman and this she was.She is a 40 year old Muslim born in the USA and the ex-wife of a disgraced Congressman called Weiner.She reportedly met Hillary when she was an intern in the white house and Bill Clinton was the president and from that day the two hit of well together.Huma and Hillary became inseparable and during the present election campaign she was part of the inner circle of Hillary’s advisors.She had assay in all the policy decisions of Hillary and filtered all access and news to her.

Now that Hillary is defeated fingers are being pointed at the inner circle and Huma Abedin.In fact Donald Trump picked up only Huma Abedin to criticize during his election campaign.

So she was special as she had the ear of Hillary.She had planned a gala victory celebration for Hillary but it was shelved as news emanated that Hillary had lost.Frankly one can’t blame Huma completely as the 4th estate day in out was propagating a Hillary win and Trump defeat.

The email scandal and the last minute revelation by the FBI director James V Coney had an effect no doubt but the constant factor was Huma.Now from wikileaks we know that Huma was not only part of the inner circle but also had a say in major decisions of running the campaign She along with  Hillary are to be faulted for not realizing that campaigning in the swing states was important as a popular vote cannot alone bring victory, because of the electoral college.Maybe Huma filtered important feed back to Hillary as she began to see herself in a different light and loved being photographed and being a celebrity.Hillary for her part began to rely more and more on Huma.She is an intelligent girl but in case of defeat she has to shoulder the blame as well.There is no doubt she was loyal and tried her best.

Now that the election is over and Huma is only 40 with Hillary retired, she has to look for another job.It will be interesting to see what she does now.Indians were wary of Hillary victory as with Huma being a Muslim a tilt towards Pakistan was possible.This is now gone as Donald will not be pro- Pakistan and Huma must be wondering where she went wrong.

Article Written by Madan G Singh

An early retired Gp Capt from Air Force who is an Executive Director in the Corporate world. Loves to write fiction and articles. Published over 60 short stories and his novel" Romance of the Frontier" is published from Notion Books.His second novel is on way for publication. The author also has close to 10,000 articles on the b net with millions of views

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